Monday, February 7, 2011

Feb. 7 2011

Recovery/easy day today. After a hard weekend of training I needed a break. Did a short 26 mile route on the trainer with little hills. Averaged 200 watts and 22 mph. Kept the hr about 100.

Today my wife and I are starting a new diet. Not to lose weight, but just to eat healthier and try and burn more fat, rather than carbs. So it basically involves taking out whole grains, which for both of us is tough. That means no cereal, oatmeal, bread and most of all ice cream.

So started today with a breakfast of plaun greek yogurt, blueberries and peanut butter. Wasn't the worst tasting thing every, but no cinnamon toast crunch.
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1 comment:

  1. Really, carbs? With all the training you do doesn't sound like a good idea. Just stay with complex carbs, which ice cream is not:) Seriously, let me know how it goes. I love learning about this kind of stuff!
