Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fancy Creek Trail Race

Today was the Fancy Creek 5 mile trail race. It was a great turnout! About 80 people showed up to have a try at the Fancy Creek Trail. I think everyone one really enjoyed it. I know that I would have rather been running as it was really cold standing in the wind. But it is all for the good of the racers. The weatherman was a little off on his prediction of 55 degrees. It wasn't anywhere near that!! Great job to everyone that came out and raced and to those who volunteered to help! We appreciate all of you!!

This morning I did a 60 mile bike ride on the trainer. I had to ride by myself, because Meg has been sick this weekend. Was lonely for the 2:45 ride. Averaged about 215 watts and 22 mph for the trip. Felt good and didn't force anything, just put my time in on the saddle. Tomorrow is a recovery day!!

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