Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Feb. 2, 2011

Weather is better today, but the snow isn't going to be melting anytime soon! This morning I got on the bike trainer to test out the hip and see how it was feeling. I tried a new route that a friend had given me, it was crazy hilly. I made it 40 miles of the 72 total miles of the route and it felt okay. I had to stay in a more upright position, but the hip didn't bother me as bad as on Sunday. I was able to average 20 mph over the hilly terrain and a little over 150 watts. HR was a lower 119, but that was okay, it was all about making sure the hip was all good!

This afternoon I hit the gym for another lifting session. Hopefully I can keep a consistent lifting routine going. I think that will really help with my swim, which we haven't been able to do because the pool is closed. Should be open tomorrow though, can't wait!!

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